Tooth Sensitivity — Can You Avoid It?

4 min readNov 26, 2022


Tooth sensitivity is tooth discomfort or pain in one or more teeth that is triggered by eating hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and drinks, or even by breathing cold air. The pain can be sudden, sharp and the pain can travel into the nerve endings of your teeth. Touching one tooth with another tooth or tongue might also cause tooth sensitivity.

Types of Tooth Sensitivity

There are two types of tooth sensitivity — Dentinal and Pulpal.

Dentinal sensitivity

The crowns of healthy teeth are protected by a layer of enamel and this is the strongest material in the human body. Similarly root of the tooth under the gum line is protected by a layer known as cementum. Between the enamel and the cementum lies dentin that is relatively soft as compared to enamel or cementum.

Dentine is the main, calcareous part of a tooth and this is beneath the enamel and surrounding the pulp chamber and root canals. If the dentine is exposed it will result in a sharp, shooting pain from the teeth, whenever you eat hot or cold food and drinks. The dentin contains microscopic tubules and once the enamel layer which is the protective covering of the tooth is removed these tubules allow heat/ cold and acidic/ sticky foods that stimulates the nerves and cells inside the tooth. This is more predominant while eating cold items such as ice cream. In practice it has been found that women suffer more from this than men. This pain could be a constant nagging pain at times.

Pulpal sensitivity

occurs due to the reaction of the tooth’s pulp. Pulpal sensitivity affects only a single tooth.


The factors that are responsible for the development of tooth sensitivity are — acidic foods, age, brushing hard with hard bristled toothbrush, bruxism, cracked teeth, gum disease, gum recession, mouthwash usage, plaque buildup, poor oral hygiene, using tooth whitening products, recent dental procedures, tooth wear and untreated Cavities.

Your tooth becomes sensitive when the dentin which is the underlying layer of your teeth is exposed due to receding gum tissue. The uncovered roots without hard enamel contain thousands of tiny tubules that lead to the tooth’s nerve center — the pulp. These dentinal tubules allow the hot, sweet or cold food items to reach the nerve in your tooth thereby causing pain and sensitivity. In addition, it is possible that your tooth has micro cracks that are invisible to the naked eye and this can also cause sensitivity.


The sensitivity of your dentine will cause acute pain and you will feel uncomfortable; however, if you get the problem diagnosed and treated it is possible to eliminate this problem. In order to accomplish this, it is essential for you to change your eating as well as oral health habits so as to prevent exposure of dentine again.

Before treating for sensitivity it is necessary for your dentist to identify the reasons for your tooth sensitivity. The pain could have been caused by dentine sensitivity, tooth decay, replacement requirement for existing filling or crack in the tooth. If the diagnosis shows dentine sensitivity, the dentist might recommend use of brushes suitable for sensitive teeth, sensitive toothpastes and mouth rinses. Application of a small amount of toothpaste on the affected area at frequent intervals throughout the day is also advised by certain dentists to overcome this problem. This paste forms a protective layer over the affected area of the teeth. The fluoride in the toothpaste not only reduces the sensitivity but also prevents tooth decay or caries.

If the sensitivity is due to tooth decay the dentist might go for root canal treatment. On the other hand, if it is due to a crack in your tooth he might give you a crown to hold the tooth together. If over-brushing has caused recession in your gums because of which your tooth has become sensitive your dentist will educate you on the correct technique of brushing; you may also benefit by using electric brush.

For severe sensitivity of your tooth, the dentist might treat you with adhesives, resins or varnishes to seal the area exposed.


You can reduce the incidence of tooth sensitivity with proper oral hygiene maintenance, using toothbrush with soft bristles, using desensitizing toothpaste, avoiding acidic diets, rinsing your mouth with fluorinated mouth rinse, wearing mouth guard to avoid bruxism and visiting your dentist once in 6 months for professional cleaning and fluoride treatment.




pharmacist, professor at University of Tlemcen